This is the privacy policy for TodaysHomePrice

This is the privacy policy for  We have established this policy to demonstrate our concern for the privacy of users of our service. is an intermediary between the home buyer/ seller/ loan seeker and real estate and loan professionals who are members with our service.  Once the home buyer/ seller/ loan seeker enters personal and property information on this website, it is instantly forwarded to one of our members who is your neighborhood real estate or loan agent expert.  This expert will then contact the home buyer/ seller/ loan seeker to provide the information requested.

It is a violation of our service agreement with these neighborhood professionals for them to use the information provided by the home buyer/ seller/ loan seeker for anything other than the specific information requested by the home buyer/ seller/ loan seeker.  Please report any violations to us and we will immediately cancel the service of that member. cannot guarantee the security or privacy of the information you have entered on this website once it has been forwarded to the neighborhood professional. In addition to the membership agreement restrictions, many states have laws limiting what real estate and loan agents can do with information on clients or potential clients. You are advised to contact your local attorney general should you have further questions about state real estate or loan laws.

If you have any questions concerning privacy on or the privacy practices of one of our users, you are welcome to email us by clicking on the ‘CONTACT’ link on this website.  While we cannot guarantee the privacy or security of your information once it has been forwarded to others, we will do our best to ensure that our members comply with our stated privacy objectives.